Rollei Retro 400S 35mm Film Review

rollei retro 400s film

No doubt there are plenty of ISO 400 monochrome films to choose from. Have you shot Rollei Retro 400S though?

If not, I think you should. I filled a roll with a few sessions of street photography and cannot complain with how it came out.

The film promises high contrast, fine grain, and good sharpness. How high, fine and good did I get, though? Come learn more in this review.

Shooting for the First Shitty Camera Challenge [Rollei Retro 400S]

shitty camera challenge

The Shitty Camera Challenge was pretty much as the name suggested. That was… to shoot with a shitty camera. You could use any film you wanted and then were to post the results to Twitter.

There was a suitably bad first prize, which I don’t know who won right now but I hope it wasn’t me, and lots of fun to be had on the #shittycamerachallenge hashtag.

For me, it was an excuse to get out again with the Canon Sure Shot AF-7 and try some Rollei Retro 400S for the first time. This is how it went. Come take a look.