Ilford FP4 Plus 125 35mm Film Review

Ilford FP4 Plus 125 is a film that took me longer to get around to shooting than it should have. It’s one of the most popular and historic stocks sold by the UK manufacturer, but I’ve somehow managed to review 30 (thirty) other films before this. So it’s good to … Read more

Oriental Seagull 400 35mm Film Review

Let’s get one thing straight here, right off the bat. Unless you live in Asia, Oriental Seagull 400 is not a film you’ll easily find on the shelf of any photography shop near you, and likely not at a domestic online retailer either. I bought the roll I shot and … Read more

Adox Color Mission 200 35mm Film Review

In a time – the early 2020s – where supply chain issues and discontinuations made things tough for fans of 35mm colour film, the announcement of Adox Color Mission 200 was understandably met with a good amount of enthusiastic excitement. A limited run of a film new to the market … Read more

Kentmere Pan 100 35mm Film Review

If you were to go to an online film shop, look at their range of 35mm stocks and sort the listings by price from Low to High, you’d likely find Kentmere Pan 100 and Kentmere Pan 400 right up there at the top of the page. There are plenty of … Read more

Ilford Delta 100 35mm Film Review

There’s no denying that Ilford is one of the very finest film manufacturers we have – not that there are that many left as competition – and there’s no doubt that Delta 100 Professional is one of their very finest films either. If you know what you’re looking at, there … Read more

Street Candy ATM 400 35mm Film Review

There must have been something in the water between 2016 and 2018. Something that caused some of my fellow film photography bloggers to decide that shooting and writing about other people’s stocks was no longer enough. In the first of those years, Bellamy Hunt from Japan Camera Hunter introduced us … Read more

Ilford Delta 3200 35mm Film Review

You could never accuse Ilford of not covering all the bases with their Delta range of films. Delta 100 is there if you need something crisp and clean, while Delta 400 gives you a little more speed, albeit with a little more grain. And then this one we’re looking at … Read more

Shanghai GP3 100 35mm Film Review

There probably aren’t many places in the world that you can go to and shoot a film with the same name while you’re there. Ilford in London, Kentmere in the north of England, and Mount Fuji in Japan are some that I can think of. Perhaps Kodiak in Alaska too … Read more

Shanghai GP3 100 120 Film Review

Of all the films I’ve ever tried, shooting some Shanghai GP3 100 120 whilst living in the city of the same name felt like an important one for me to do. Film and location together. I just know I would have regretted it if I didn’t. My problem was not … Read more

Kodak Pro Image 100 35mm Film Review

kodak pro image 100 film

Something I’ve learned whilst writing these reviews for the Shoot all the Films project is that a film stock’s backstory is hardly ever straight forward. Almost none that I’ve researched so far hasn’t been through some repackaging, renaming, upgrading, being sold in certain markets only, being sold under different names … Read more

Kodak Ektachrome E100 35mm Film Review

It may not look much being held up there by my pasty white hand, but that dog-eared cardboard box with a wonkily-placed cartridge on top of it is one of the best things to happen to analogue photography in the last few years. There are quite a few reasons why … Read more

Fujicolor Natura 1600 35mm Film Review

fujicolor natura 1600 film

Fuji have been trimming the number of film stocks they produce for a good few years now, and it’s always a shame when another one falls by the wayside. But for reasons we’ll explore in this review, losing this Fujicolor Natura 1600 was a bigger shame than most. A large … Read more

Kodak Portra 400 35mm Film Review

kodak portra 400 film

You don’t have to have a favourite film stock. And even if you do, it doesn’t have to be Kodak Portra 400. For a lot of people though, based on comments and conversation I see online, it most definitely is. It’s by far the most searched for film on Google, … Read more

Ilford Delta 400 35mm Film Review

Back when I used to drink it, I understood why we had both normal and Diet Coke. It even made sense to have Coke Zero. And a McDonald’s cheeseburger, a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and a Big Mac were all sufficiently different too. Ilford Delta 400 is the fifth monochrome … Read more

Ilford XP2 Super 400 35mm Film Review

ilford xp2 400 film

If you’re looking for an ISO 400 black and white film to shoot, I’ve got great news. There are loads to choose from. Somewhere between 20 and 30 by my last count. So with all those options, what does the Ilford XP2 Super 400 we’re reviewing here bring to the … Read more

Fujicolor C200 35mm Film Review

If you were to look at the outdated box design, the budget price, the ubiquitous availability and the results it gives, it would be easy to conclude that Fujicolor C200 – or Fujicolor 200 as it’s known in some markets – is nothing special. It’s not like a JCH Street Pan … Read more

Kodak Ektar 100 35mm Film Review

kodak ektar 100 box

Something I try to avoid when talking about film, and photography in general, is superlative adjectives. Using terms like the most, the least, the best, or the worst in my reviews would seem daft, as they’re all mainly my subjective opinion anyway. But that’s just me. Kodak, on the other … Read more

Ilford HP5 Plus 400 35mm Film Review

ilford hp5 plus

Ilford is one of the very biggest names in the world of analogue photography, with some of its films being among the best-known and most-loved out there. The Ilford Pan 400 I’ve shot plenty of and reviewed before doesn’t really fall into that category, but much of the Delta and … Read more

CineStill 800T 35mm Film Review

cinestill 800t film

CineStill 800Tungsten Xpro C-41 – more commonly known simply as CineStill 800T – is a special film in more ways than one. Most of the other stocks I see in the shops I go to fall into a few other distinct categories. Categories like the longstanding and still produced ones, the … Read more

Oriental Seagull 100 35mm Film Review

When you do a lot of your film photography in Shanghai, the name Seagull is bound to jump out when you see it. That’s because Seagull brand cameras were, and possibly still are, made in and around the city. So when I saw boxes of Oriental Seagull 100 in a … Read more

Fujicolor Industrial 400 35mm Film Review

One of the first films I shot after getting into this pastime was Fujicolor Industrial 100. I found it to be a decent enough stock; inexpensive yet giving nice results. So naturally, I was excited to try this ISO 400 version too. Neither are officially available in many markets and … Read more

Kodak Gold 200 35mm Film Review

Kodak Gold 200 is a consumer film that can trace its lineage back to countless 1980s holiday snaps. If you’re not old enough to have been shooting it back then, you still may have been shot on it.

How does it stack up today though? In the right circumstances, I think it’ll give you some great results. Come see when they are and everything else Gold 200 brings in this comprehensive review.

JCH Street Pan 400 35mm Film Review

jch street pan film review

JCH Street Pan 400 is a film brought to the market by Bellamy Hunt, who runs the Japan Camera Hunter website. As a resurrected surveillance film, it’s certainly got an interesting backstory.

It’s also not been immune to criticism, and nor has its creator, since it was announced and released in 2016, which is something I don’t really understand.

You either like a film and shoot it or don’t like it and shoot something else. Come read which camp I fall into in this review of JCH Street Pan 400.

Kentmere Pan 400 35mm Film Review

Kentmere 400 is a film brought to you by the same people behind the iconic Ilford range, created to compete at the more budget end of the market.

That Ilford DNA is a great sign, but is it good enough to warrant picking up and shooting instead of the more famous and higher quality offerings from Harman?

Spoiler alert: yeah, in my opinion, for many people it is. Come learn why and a whole lot more in this comprehensive review of Kentmere 400.

Ilford Pan 400 35mm Film Review

ilford pan 400 film review

Ilford is one of the biggest names in film photography and produce some of the most iconic and beloved stocks on the market today.

Ilford Pan 400 is not one of them. Instead, it’s a budget offering that’s only available in selected markets around the world. Selected markets that don’t include the US and the UK.

So depending on where you are, you might not get this in your local film shop. Should you still track some down and shoot it though? Come find out in this review.

Agfa Vista Plus 200 35mm Film Review

Agfa Vista Plus 200

Agfa Vista Plus 200, perennial favourite of many a budget-conscious film shooter, is no more. Production has ended and stocks are dwindling.

So if you find some, should you hoard it while you still can? With its famous low cost, you may think the answer to that is a no-brainer. Not so fast, though.

As supplies run low, prices rise, and the question of whether it’s still worth buying is not so clear cut. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can give some thoughts in this review. Come read.

Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm Film Review

Kodak ColorPlus 200 is one of the cheapest colour films you can buy today. That alone should make it an interesting proposition to a lot of shooters – but only if it’s any good, of course.

I can tell you that it is. In relation to its cost, anyway. I can also tell you what results you can expect, why I like it for street photography, and its history and past incarnations.

But that’s all too long for this intro so you’ll have to come read the review to get that. Come on. Come learn.

Fujicolor Industrial 100 35mm Film Review

fujicolor industrial 100 film

Fujicolor Industrial 100 isn’t the easiest film to track down outside of Asia, and even in its native Japan you might find yourself having to buy in bulk.

The question is, is it worth doing either? You can find out in this review, which features the backstory, overview of image qualities, some technical specifications, and a fair few real world example shots.

Come have a read and learn all about this oft-unheralded film with the curious name and a distinctly minimalist white and green box.

Rollei Retro 400S 35mm Film Review

rollei retro 400s film

No doubt there are plenty of ISO 400 monochrome films to choose from. Have you shot Rollei Retro 400S though?

If not, I think you should. I filled a roll with a few sessions of street photography and cannot complain with how it came out.

The film promises high contrast, fine grain, and good sharpness. How high, fine and good did I get, though? Come learn more in this review.