Kodak Ektar H35N Half Frame Camera Review

kodak ektar H35N

It’s always good to try new things with your photography. To get those creative juices flowing by shooting a different style, a new format, or with some kind of gear you haven’t used before. That could be as simple as playing with a half frame camera, which I barely had … Read more

Reto Ultra Wide & Slim 35mm Film Camera Review

If you’ve been involved in the resurgent film photography community for a while you may have noticed the same question pop up from time to time. That question being ‘can’t someone start making new film cameras again?‘ In January 2022, with the announcement of the Reto Ultra Wide & Slim, … Read more

Yashica Electro 35 GSN Film Camera Review

This Yashica Electro 35 GSN review has been a very long time coming. Perhaps it’s a testament to my powers of procrastination, or perhaps I’ve just been too busy shooting and producing all of this work with it. I’ll go with the latter there personally, but it’s still no excuse. … Read more

Nikon FM3a Camera Review

nikon fm3a

Sometimes in life you just get lucky. Like the time I got to borrow my friend Joshua’s SLR and put a few rolls of film through it and it happened to be, by many accounts, one of the best SLRs ever made. The much-coveted Nikon FM3a. As someone who uses … Read more

FujiFilm Instax Mini 9 Camera and Film Review

fujifilm instax mini 9 camera

Two of the most important things about film photography for me are the process of making something unique that you will always be able to keep, and to actually enjoying doing so. I’ve shot a lot of 35mm and some 120 film in various cameras – some more sophisticated than … Read more

Holga 120N Camera Review

holga 120n camera

It’s been a while since I did a camera review on here, as it’s not often I get a new one to play with. I suppose that while not having gear acquisition syndrome is good for my bank balance, it’s not ideal for my content production. So when I had … Read more

Olympus Supertrip Camera Review

olympus supertrip camera review

The Olympus Supertrip is a point and shoot film camera from the 1980s with nothing but the most basic features. Sounds terrible, you might think. I don’t necessarily agree.

I’ve shot some street photography with mine and have not been unhappy with the results. Going out shooting was actually pretty good fun, thanks in the main to that dearth of settings to get bogged down in.

Come read this review to see some example shots and decide whether the Olympus Supertrip should make it into your own collection or not.

Canon Sure Shot AF-7 Camera Review

This Canon Sure Shot AF-7 cost me less than the lunch I had before finding it in a charity shop. It cost less than each and every roll of film I’ve since put through it.

So at that price, it must be a heap of junk, right? No, not right. Maybe I have low standards (I definitely do) but it’s actually not bad at all for the street photography I shoot.

Come find out in this review if you should seek one out too, or whether you should take the plunge and spend your hard earned couple of pounds or dollars if you also come across one in the wild.

My First Film Cameras

Despite shooting with vintage lenses 99% of the time, I’d never really thought about trying my hand at film photography. That changed when I picked up these two cameras and a couple of rolls of Kodak ColorPlus.

So how did that happen? What made me want to give it a go? And how did the pictures turn out?

Come find out in this post. Come on. Humour me.