Vintage Film Lightroom Presets Pack

vintage film lightroom presets

Page Whether you’re talking about filters on an app like Instagram or VSCO, or Lightroom presets you can buy from various sites online, there’s no shortage of options for one-click editing of your photographs.

In short, the world probably didn’t need another. But that’s not why I made this set of Vintage Film Lightroom Presets.

I made it because I needed it.

No other sets that I tried really gave my photographs the look I wanted, or had been put together in a way that made them as easy to use as they should be.

So I decided to create my own.

Having used them on many of my images both on this blog and on my Instagram feed, I’m now making them available for you too.

For me, the real value in creating them was to use them myself, but helping you with your own photography is a by-product of that.

The set features 30 colour and 30 monochrome presets, which allow you to give your shots a vintage, grainy film look at the click of a button.

If you’re not sure whether these Vintage Film Lightroom Presets, which are available on Etsy, are for you, read on.

Honestly, they might not be. But I’ll give you all the information you need to decide.

p.s. don’t have Lightroom yet? get it here

Vintage Film Lightroom presets aesthetics

The presets in this pack aren’t designed to mimic any types of film in particular.

I created them to give my photographs an aesthetic I just like without worrying about how anyone thinks think they should look.

The pack contains 20 base presets and each of them has three options – low grain, mid grain, and high grain.

What follows is the mid grain sample of all 20 presets in the Vintage Film pack.

As I said, low grain and high grain versions of all these are included in the download too.

Vintage Film Lightroom presets ease of use

Some things I found that made other preset and filter sets less user-friendly than they could have been included:

  • a seemingly random order with no logical flow through the set
  • presets stacking on one another and mixing together when applied
  • random names that are unmemorable and give no clue to the look the preset will give

Jumping between different styles as I went through a preset pack just made it more difficult to decide on the best one for the image I was editing.

That’s why I grouped the presets in the Vintage Film pack together and sequenced them logically in an order that means I can cycle through and see the gradual differences between them.

They’ve also been set to change every setting available, meaning no stacking, no mixing, and no having to reset the image to its original state when choosing the perfect look for it.

They just give the aesthetic the preset should give, with a single click, every time.

Finally, I spent some time coming up with names that give you some idea of the look they’ll give your image, while also being memorable.

The full list is as follows:

Vintage Contrast, Rose Tint, Blush Contrast, Dusk Mood, Street Contrast, Vert Punch, Burnt Hue, Vivid Colour, Sun Shower, Golden Hour, Flat Mono, Contrast Mono, Tokyo Mono, Gloss Mono, Detail Mono, Yellow Filter, Orange Filter, Red Filter, Green Filter, Blue Filter.

p.s still don’t have Lightroom? get it here 

Modifying the Vintage Film Lightroom presets

Again, I made these Vintage Film Lightroom Presets to scratch my own itch.

They may not be perfect for you, but the beauty of Lightroom presets is that you can modify them and then save that as a brand new preset.

Even though each preset has a low, mid, and high grain version, you may want something somewhere in between. Or maybe the levels of contrast, vibrance, warmth, or shadows and highlights aren’t quite what you want.

I created this Vintage Film Lightroom Presets set for me and my taste.

If you want to create your own, there’s no need to start from scratch. Instead, use mine as a base and tweak what you need to tweak.

You’ll basically be using my presets as a short cut to your own perfect set.

Installing your Vintage Film Lightroom presets

Installing your Lightroom presets is pretty straightforward but to make it even easier for you, I’ll break it down into a list.

1. Extract the .lrtemplate files from the Zip and put them in a folder or on your desktop – anywhere that makes it easy for you to select them later.

2. Open Lightroom and make sure you’re in the ‘Develop’ mode.

3. Go to the ‘Presets’ window on the left of the screen and right-click anywhere on it.

4. Choose ‘New Folder’ and name it ‘Vintage Film’, or anything else you fancy.

5. Right-click again on your new folder and choose ‘Import’.

6. Select the files you extracted from the zip and select ‘Import’ on that window to import them straight into your folder.

7. Play around and find your favourites.

8. Hit me up on Twitter or Instagram and show me what you’ve made with them!  🙂



p.s. If you think other people will like these presets and you want to help them find this post, please share or pin it  😀

Want to give your street photography a cool grainy film look? Then come get this Vintage Film Lightroom presets pack and do exactly that today!

* all digital download sales are final